Thursday, April 23, 2009

interesting facts

Here's some quick and interesting facts about Mexico and America.

America took the following states from Mexico-

California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma. That makes almost one third of the USA. They also took Texas from Mexico, which I'll be talking about later on, in another post.

Almost a sixth, maybe more of the USA's population is illegal immigrants. I didn't do the exact calculation, I just took a guess.

some of the states (maybe all of them) that the USA actually bought from Mexico, were given to us because the Mexicans were afraid we'd take them by force, and they weren't prepared for another battle.

Mexicans call America a "greedy nation" (I might actually agree with that.

A lot of Mexicans are afraid we might take more land from them.

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