Thursday, September 10, 2009

Debate class

In my debate class (I haven't told you I'm in a debate class at school have I? Well now you know) we have been discussing poverty. Me and two or three other people believe we should help those in poverty, the rest of the class is against it. They think we should stop helping them, force them out of the country, and even kill them......maybe use what Hitler used to get rid of them.They also say we shouldn't help other countries with wars and other stuff until we have helped ourselves and gotten out of debt. Right now we are learning how to debate. We are all writing debates on poverty, unfortunately for me I'm sick. And they're due tomorrow. I hope I get better before then. My first real debate will be either October 17 or 30. I'm really excited about it.

Every morning while the teacher is taking role she puts a quote on the whiteboard and then we write down what we think about it. We have only three minutes to copy down the quote and write our thoughts. Then she picks five people to go up and tell the rest of the class their thoughts. That person has only three minutes to tell their thoughts and answer questions, then the next person goes. I'll tell more about the debates in another post.