Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This post is for home schoolers

I was visiting a home school co-op that I used to go to, and I went to a debate class with one of my friends. As we were sitting there the teacher was saying how homeschoolers are lucky because they are smarter, and better than publicschoolers. Then my friend told the teacher that I was a publicschooler. I've been thinking about what she said and I know notice something that I never noticed when I was home schooled. A lot of homeschoolers think they're better than publicschoolers and smarter. They have this prideful and holier than thou attitude. It's funny, I never noticed that when I was homeschooled. I wonder if I said anything like that, or thought anything like that. That is no way for a Christian to act, a lot of homeschoolers that say these things have probably never experienced public school and they just go by what they hear.

A lot of Christians also wont go to public school because they believe it's evil and they'll be surrounded by fools. When Jesus came to the earth He was surrounded by fools, but he came to die on the cross so that we may have salvation and be free from sin. He also told us to preach the good news to all creation. (Acts 1:1-8)

I also think I have found why people buy all the evolution and stuff that public school teaches. The reason is because there aren't enough Christians there. There are a lot of Mormons, but not enough Christians to tell why public schools are teaching the wrong things. And we cant do that by staying home all day, sometimes we have to go to places that will give us hard trials and trust that the Lord will help us.

To tell you the truth, public school isn't really that bad. It really just depends on the school you go to.

To end I want to tell you, for those of you who are, stop having your prideful and better than you attitudes. It doesn't help anything, except for make the public schoolers feel like Christians aren't very nice people. God also tells us not to have those kinds of attitudes, but to love others and treat them as you would have them treat you.


  1. Very good post. I agree with you on every point and am sorry that you were exposed to what is, quite frankly, an ignorant comment. Neither the homeschoolers or the public schoolers are immune to this trait, of course, but it does seem that in reacting to negative attitudes from the public school sector, homeschoolers have fallen into the same attitudes.

    I am very proud to see that you are thinking of these things. As a Christian parent I can tell you that the best thing in the world is to see our children embrace the Faith as their own and not merely parrot what they hear in the home. The decision to put you and your brothers in public school was not an easy one, but we made trusting that we had brought you up in the fear and the admonition of the Lord. And, what it all comes down to is that we know God is in Sovereign control of all things. We must learn to trust Him above all.

    Good post!

  2. I'm a homeschooler and I agree with your post. If homeschoolers beleive that they're smarter and better than other students, that's not a christian mind set. Some of my friends are homeschoolers and some of them aren't. Most people think that you have to choose a side and stay on it. That's not right. Jesus wouldn't want anything to do with that.
