Monday, March 16, 2009

casas de carton

here's a video my dad showed me. I really liked it.

casas de carton

here are the lyrics-

EDIT: the english lyrics were translated incorrect. I'll add them later.


Que triste se oye la lluvia
En los techos de carton
Que triste vive mi gente
En las casas de carton

Viene bajando el obrero
Casi arrastrando los pasos
Por el peso del sufrir
Mira que mucho es sufrir
Mira que pesa el sufrir
Arriba deja la mujer preñada
Abajo esta la ciudad
Y se pierde en su maraña
Hoy es lo mismo que ayer
Es un mundo sin mañana

Que triste se oye la lluvia
En los techos de carton
Que triste vive mi gente
En las casas de carton

Niños color de mi tierra
Con sus mismas cicatricez
Millonarios de lombrices
Y es por eso que digo, Que tristes viven los niños En las casas de carton

Que alegre viven los perros, case del explotador. How happily live the dogs in the home of the exploitator
Usted no lo va creer, pero ay escuelas de perros
Y les dan educacion
Pa que no muerdan los diarios
Pero el patron Hace años muchos años
Que esta mordiendo al obrero

Que triste se oye la lluvia
En los techos de carton
Que triste vive mi gente
En las casas de carton

Que lejos pasa la esperanza
En las casas de carton


How sad is the sound of rain on cardboard roofs
How sadly my people live in their cardboard houses

Down comes the worker, nearly dragging his steps from the weight of his suffering
Look how much suffering this is
Look at the weight of his suffering
Above he’s left his pregnant wife
Below lies the city, and he loses himself in its maze
Today is the same as yesterday…it is a world without tomorrow

How sad is the sound of rain on cardboard roofs
How sadly my people live in their cardboard houses

Children the color of my land, bearing their own scars, millionaires of nothing but worms
And that’s why I say, how sadly the children live in their cardboard houses

How happily the dogs live in the home of the exploiter
You are not going to believe this, but there are special schools Where dogs are trained not to bite those around them Yet the owner has been “biting” the worker for many years

How sad is the sound of rain on cardboard roofs
How sadly my people live in their cardboard houses

How far away from the cardboard houses…passes hope

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