Wednesday, February 11, 2009


America has gone from a good place, to a bad place. A lot of Christians have also changed. Sometimes I wonder just how many people that say they're Christians, really are. Here in America we have so much freedom to worship God, and at the same time too little. For now I'm going to talk about why so much freedom can sometimes be bad, later I'll talk about how so little freedom can be bad.

Because we are allowed to worship God, and we are not being killed for it, we don't worship Him enough. We don't read our Bibles enough and we don't preach enough. Some Christians have also decided to go against God and make up their own beliefs about Him, they also make their own Bibles. People are trying to add to the Bible. Why do we need to add to the Bible? It's already perfect, it is God's word. We think that we can help God make new rules, we think we can do more than God. That's crazy talk, God is perfect. You just cant add to God's plan. What we need now is men like Luther and Calvin. We need men to show these "Christians" that they are wrong.

EDIT: There is this one guy I like. His name is Paul Washer. He goes hard on people, check out this video. If you get offended by watching the first part, then you should probably watch the rest, do some research and see if what he says is really true. I'll bet that you're going to find that he's speaking the truth, even if you don't want to.

1 comment:

  1. You know, what you have to say here is also a partial answer to the question you posed on my blog. When we go through trials and hard times, we actually desire to read the Bible more than when life is easy. When life is good, we feel in control, like we don't really need God. When life is out of control, we go running to God. May we remind ourselves of this when things are going well.
