in this post I will be talking about my dislike for chuck norris and all those jokes people make about him. People just make Chuck Norris seem like this all powerful guy. He is better than everyone, higher than anyone...including God. A joke I once heard at school was "When God and the Devil play football its so intense that they have to play on Chuck Norris' abs". People are making Chuck Norris into an idol. They probably dont realize it, but I strongly believe that's what he is to people.
I'd like to say right here what an idol is. An idol is something that you worship other than God. Its something that you place, and make higher than God. An example would be video games. If you spend a lot of time playing video games and a little bit of time with God, video games would be your idol. Chuck Norris has been placed way above God, people like to talk about him more than they do God.
After finally getting all of that out, I shall leave and allow people to comment.